Friday, April 30, 2010

Why do you believe in God?

Her father had committed suicide over a decade ago, when she was a teenager. Shortly after that, her grandmother had a stroke and was placed in a nursing home. That was the last time the young woman had seen her. Today that changed. After more than ten years, she had driven several hours to visit and finally face all the emotions, now rising up and choking her like fine dust from the place she had tamped them down for so long.

She asked me a little more about myself, and my ministry. Then, these words: “I don’t mean to offend you, but may I ask you a question?”

“Sure,” I said.

Looking me directly in the eyes, she asked the most basic question, “Why do you believe in God?”

~From Chaplain Mike on The Internet Monk

I read this today and I did a gut check, asking myself how I would answer this question if I was standing eyeball to eyeball with this woman. And my answer would be, "Because I have faced death and God has given me life."

Whew. That took my breath away and took me by surprise. It's a little dramatic. But it's actually true. There was a time in my early twenties when I was suicidal. I was depressed and thought about ways to kill myself. It's hard to remember that time not because it's painful to remember it but because it is so far from my current reality. At that time, I could never have imagined the fullness of life that I have now. In grade school, I learned a verse that says,

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I [Jesus] have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

~The Good News According to John, chpt 10

When you boil it down, I guess I believe in God because I see the truth of Jesus in my life. I have seen how the thief (Satan) comes to steal and kill and destroy. But I am currently experiencing the full life that Jesus promised. And this is true even though I struggle in my new role as a mom.

My daughter took her first steps yesterday. I thought my heart was going to burst out of my chest; I was so stinkin' proud of her. She's on her way to exploring the world in a whole new way. (Watch out, World!)

The road out of depression was long and hard. I won't deny it. But I wonder if God felt similarly as I took those first shaky steps toward a new and different life.

If you believe in God, why do you believe in God?

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