Thursday, July 12, 2012

New recipes

Been trying stuff in the kitchen and here are two keepers.


1 portabello mushroom, diced
1/4 c chopped onions
2 eggs, scrambled
handful fresh basil
4-6 tbsp crumbled feta
4 corn tortillas

Over medium heat saute mushrooms and onions, salt & pepper to taste. I splashed a tbsp of water in to help things along.
Turn heat to low and pour eggs over, stir and cook to desired done-ness.
Remove from heat.
Heat tortillas (a  griddle is handy for this step). Put about a tbsp of crumbled feta on each tortilla. When feta is soften put a 4th of the egg mix on each tortilla, a few basil leaves, and serve.

~ I actually had this for lunch, but I really enjoyed my fancy pants breakfast tacos.


8" square or circular pan. Pie dish might work.
3 c. rolled oats
1/3 - 1 c. brown sugar
1 c. add-ons (dried or fresh fruit, chopped nuts, or both)
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp baking powder
2 eggs beaten
1 c. milk
1/4 c. oil

Mix dried ingredients in pan. In separate bowl, beat eggs, stir in milk and oil. Pour into pan and mix thoroughly.
Place into COLD oven. Bake at 300. In my oven, it took 35 minutes for it to be firm on the outside and jiggly toward the middle. Start checking around 20-25 minutes. Cook time will vary oven to oven.

~A lot of variation can be introduced into this recipe in terms of spices and add-ons. But the ratio of 2 eggs to 1 cup of milk is important. Also starting with a cold oven is important. The idea is to slowly cook the eggs at a low temperature. A water bath is normally used for custard, but I don't want to deal with the extra step and gear.

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