Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Crochet: learning something new

So I don't have any deep spiritual insights at the moment, I'm sort of in a "Jesus I'm desperate for you" funk.

But I've been having a lot of fun teaching myself to crochet. I started in November after spending many months thinking about getting my daughter slippers to keep her feet warm on the tile. But I didn't really want to spend money on that, and I saw a youtube video for crocheting maryjane slippers. I thought, "I can do that." So I bought a hook and took out some craft yarn I got on sale and voila! Slippers. However, Lil L being 2 means she often not only won't wear the slippers, she'll even pull off her socks. Oh, well.

I've gone on to making hats, baby booties, moccasins, a baby vest, and so on. It's been really fun to learn something new, but what I really like about it is having something to do with my hands while the kids play.

They have a mom-dar that beeps whenever I move out of range, like to the bathroom or the kitchen or the laundry room. Sometimes, I have to be in those spaces, but what they really like is for me to be in the living room while they play. I don't even have to play with them. I just need to be near. Crocheting is wonderfully portable. I have everything in a plastic shopping bag and can move from place to place.

It's also wonderful because it's pretty easy to stop and start. A couple times I've varnished or painted some furniture. These require multiple steps that are preferably done within a certain amount of time and away from small kids. That's really tough to do these days. With crochet, I can stop on a dime, drop everything back in the bag and do potty time or kiss a boo boo. Easy.

Another huge thing is that I'm making something. I have a bunch of yarn my aunt gave me when she heard I took up crocheting. I'm using it to make stuff for a baby in a family my small group is helping out this Christmas. Everything'll be yellow, but at least the baby will have something warm to wear. I'm already getting to the point where I can make my own designs and that's fun to think about. It's feels like magic going from a wad of yarn to a Thing. Love it.

If you'd like a hacked-together, crochetted something, leave a request in the comments.

1 comment:

Lillis Joy said...

Yes please! I'll take ... mmm ...something practical but not clothing ... because I don't really need much cold weather stuff. Maybe a couple hot pads? or table mats - you know, the kind of thing you put hot dishes on when you're setting out a meal.

I love that you're into crochet. I crochet too, but I've not taught myself much past the basic stitch and have only done scarves in recent years.
